Combat to Community®

A veteran culture training program for First Responders, Providers, Advocates, Educators, and Employers.


Professionals trained annually

We've done the
research for you

Combat to Community is proven to increase knowledge and understanding of military and veteran culture. It helps develop new skills to identify, engage, and inform treatment approaches with veterans and families. Continuing Education Units are available.
  • How attitudes, values, and practices that characterize military service are commonly shared
  • How combat and military experience, service-related injuries and disability can impact veterans
  • How military or veteran status can inform outreach, engagement, treatment approach, and services available.

Learn to build community relationships and serve veterans more effectively.

Combat to Community® (C2C) is an accredited curriculum developed by our Policy team that is proven to help providers and advocates:

define how cultural factors of military service may impact the veteran’s transition to their community, education and employment, and their mental and behavioral health;

incorporate new skills to identify and engage veterans;

apply new treatment approaches, practices, and procedures; and

identify veteran-specific resources and referrals.

Contact us for more information

Our sample content

We can tailor the content and length of the trainings to the audience, requested topics, and number of attendees. We offer one-time or recurring sessions. Trainings may be presented remotely via Zoom or in person depending on your location.


What our participants say!

Frequently asked questions

What does a typical training look like?

C2C is an interactive, conversational-based training, with presentation, videos, scenario exercises, and interactive discussions. Our instructors are veterans themselves and are able to provide first-hand knowledge of military and veteran experiences.

Topics may include:

The military lifecycle

Key elements of military culture

Deployment and combat experience

Battlemind: the mental orientation developed during military service and combat zone deployment and how it translates to post-deployment issues

Military-connected stress, injuries, and service-connected conditions

Military separation and transition to community, school, and work

Culturally-informed approaches for interacting with veterans

De-escalation and grounding techniques for crisis situations

Accessing care in the community and resources for providers

Veteran subpopulations: women, LGBTQ+veterans, veterans of color, aging veterans, unhoused veterans, veterans involved in the criminal justice system

How can I request a training to be offered to my organization?
Is continuing education credit available?
Does it cost money?

Let's connect!

Interested in booking a training or learning more? Leave us a message and we will try to get back within 24-48 hours.