Swords to Plowshares has developed several publications that highlight the issues facing veteran communities. We aim to raise awareness and inform stakeholders who can work together to improve the systems of care veterans and their families need.
Overview of this Reference Guide The demographics and cultural characteristics of service members, veterans and their families from all eras. The scale and scope of issues veterans may encounter. Availability and limitations of federal resources for veterans.
In order to understand the financial challenges and needs of student veterans, Swords to Plowshares conducted eleven online focus groups and three in-person research workshops with seventy-seven student veterans in California from forty colleges and universities in 2019 and early 2020.
Research suggests there is high value in including peer support specialists in mental health care...
The Exchange brought together organizations in the UK and United States to explore co-production, coordinated approaches, arts, veterans’ services, and homelessness prevention.
The Congressional Commission on Care was charged with examining the VA Healthcare System. Swords to Plowshares’ own executive director served on the Commission and we conducted our own examination of VA healthcare compared to private healthcare.
This fact sheet highlights avenues for human resource professionals and hiring managers to hire, retain, and support veterans in the civilian workplace.
Research-based recommendations from veterans to improve services and education outcomes of student veterans.
This self-assessment is a tool for institutions of higher learning to examine how well-prepared they are for today’s military-connected students.
This report summarizes the Mental Health Summit, jointly hosted by Swords to Plowshares, the San Francisco VA Health Care system and other partners.
This Toolkit provides a framework of understanding traumatic brain injury (TBI) from a community behavioral health and social service perspective.
This toolkit was developed for veteran employment and training service agencies to improve their outreach tools, provide quality job training programs, and measure their impact.
A guide across all sectors to identify women veterans within their organization, better understand the issues they face, and strategies for more effective care.
This report examines issues including post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of military sexual trauma and offers policy recommendations.
Older veterans represent 66% of the veteran population and have higher rates of health conditions impacted by their military service.
This brief addresses the due process harms of the unreasonable delay on veterans while they wait for the disability benefits to which they are entitled.
A comprehensive guide for researchers, policy makers, advocates, and veterans.
Recommendations for improving health and wellness among women veterans based on our California Women Veterans Project.
Our recommendations reflect over four decades of direct community-based service delivery to veterans of all eras, regardless of discharge. Our research and policy efforts are informed by the work we do—providing transitional and permanent supportive housing, mental health support, employment and legal services—each and every day.
This fact sheet covers circumstances that could lead to a servicemember being less than honorably discharged from the military, and subsequent issues with access to care from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Before the California Assembly Select Committee on California’s Mental Health Crisis
At the onset of the COVID-19, pandemic researchers warned that the pandemic would result in a substantial increase...
Current engagement and treatment models are not reaching underserved communities effectively...
A report published in conjunction with National Veterans Legal Services Program and the Veterans Legal Clinic at the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School to raise awareness about the implications of excluding “bad paper” veterans from care and the VA’s authority to grant access.
Research-based recommendations complied by campus staff to improve services and education outcomes of student veterans.
Swords to Plowshares and the National Veterans Legal Service Program (“Petitioners”) submit these comments in response to the proposed rule issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (“VA”) on July 10, 2020 (“Proposed Rule”).