It has been over a year since the COVID-19 outbreak changed the world. Even when most agencies and businesses shut their doors, Swords to Plowshares remained open to veterans we serve day-to-day. Our department, alongside the entire organization, found a way to serve our clients while following safety and health protocols. We regularly distributed hygiene kits and free meals at our drop-in centers, handed out proper PPE for veteran clients, and provided essential services despite the difficult circumstances. Since the onset of COVID, Jobs for Vets has assisted more than 150 veterans with employment and training services.
So, how do we do what we do during the time of COVID?
New and returning veterans, we are here and ready to help! As we traverse through the new post-COVID terrain together, Jobs for Vets will continue to integrate the new techniques and solutions to help you land on the other side of the pandemic with employment and training opportunities.
For more information on our Employment and Training program, email us at