VA's Government Shutdown Field Guide: Impact on Veterans

Veterans and their families are rightfully concerned about how the government shutdown will effect them directly. According to the VA Field Guide linked here, the impact will be limited for the immediate future. All health services including hospitals, community-based outpatient clinics, veteran center services and the crisis hotline will continue as usual.

Claims and processing of payments for compensation, pension, education,and vocational rehabilitation benefits are 'anticipated' to continue through late October. However, if the government shut down lasts longer than two to three weeks, claims and payment processing could be suspended.Important functions that have been suspended include decisions on claims and motions by the Board of Veteran Appeals, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Education Call Center, and overtime for VBA claims processors addressing the backlog on initial claims and appeals at VBA regional offices.

We will be looking into the impact on the housing voucher program for veterans (HUD-VASH) and Department of Labor veteran services and keep our supporters updated.

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