In 2022, we worked tirelessly to house veterans without shelter and improve our six permanent supportive housing programs. We believe that permanent supportive housing is the best option for veterans facing intersecting issues such as housing insecurity, PTSD, and physical disabilities. With the elevators finally running in our housing program in the Presidio this year (soon to be re-dedicated as the “Jon W. Paulson Veterans Community”), we have seen firsthand how critical accessible environments and community-building opportunities are to the overall well-being of underserved veterans. We offer housing programs and services to meet the needs of all veterans; ranging from low-barrier transitional housing, to permanent supportive housing, to assistance getting into independent market rental housing. Each veteran is treated as an individual and provided a range of services to address their housing stability.
Jerry Bartlett is a 68-year-old U.S. Navy veteran who lives in our Presidio housing site. He has benefitted immensely from the elevator installation. “They have impacted and changed my life,” he exclaims. Before the elevators opened, Jerry was often secluded in his apartment unit on the third floor and faced physical difficulties making it up and down the four flights of stairs. With the elevators running, Jerry can come and go as he pleases on his electric scooter. “The elevators are a godsend. I don’t have to use my crutches and I don’t have to ask for help… everything is looking great.”